LEADing in our Nation's Capital Online Entry Form
You will receive an e-mail confirming that your registration has been received after you complete the form and click on the Secure Checkout button at the bottom of this page.
Fields indicated with an asterisk(*) are required.
LEAD Registration Agreement
Rules of Participation and Behavior for LEAD Conference
1. Participation in all activities is expected and mandatory.
2. You should be courteous and polite at all times.
3. The possession, use and consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs is not allowed and strictly prohibited.
(All prescription medication should be listed on the medical release form.)
4. Participants should possess a positive attitude.
5. Participants are to be only in facilities, buildings and other places deemed appropriate and being used as part of the conference.
6. Participants are expected to be in their rooms at announced curfew times.
A room check will be done to see that all participants are accounted for.
7. If a participant does not abide by the rules, his/her parents will be notified and the participant may be sent home at his/her expense
and/or prohibited from participating in future NJAA activities.
8. Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length. (Below the end of your finger tips when standing erect with your arms held down to your side.)
No backless shirts, this includes no halter or tube tops, straps on shirts must be at least one inch wide.
No midriffs exposed. No exposed undergarments.
I understand these rules and by signing this agreement do pledge to uphold the rules for the conference.
In the event that these rules are broken or abused I understand my parents or guardian will be notified
and I understand that I will be sent home at my own expense and that I may be prohibited from participating in future NJAA events.
The Events and Education Department has the final authority over all matters.
I understand these rules and will uphold and support the decision of the Events and Education Department.