The Global Sire Summary is a result of collaborative efforts between the American Angus Association, Angus Australia, and the Canadian Angus Association through The World Angus Evaluation (The WAE) powered by AGI. The direct comparison of expected progeny differences (EPDs) allows for sires from all three associations to be directly compared to facilitate the international exchange of genetics throughout the three countries.

The Global Sire Summary updates quarterly but data from all three countries flow into the WAE routinely so the EPDs on sires included in this list are updated on a weekly basis. Sires with a weaning accuracy of at least .45 with 5 or more weaning progeny and who have had 2 or more calves included in the herd book in the last 2 years are included in this sort.

To review WAE EPD Averages click here.

Search sires registered with:
American Angus Association
Angus Australia
Canadian Angus Association
Displays Top 300 Sires
Selection Trait Asc Desc Valid Range Minimum Maximum Minimum
.00 to .99
Percentile Rank Filter
Calving Ease Direct (CED) %
Birth Weight (BW) lb.
Weaning Weight (WW) lb.
Yearling Weight (YW) lb.
Scrotal Circumference (SC) cm
Foot Claw Set (Claw) score
Foot Angle (Angle) score
Calving Ease Maternal (CEM) %
Maternal Milk (Milk) lb.
Carcass Weight (CW) lb.
Marbling (Marb) score
Ribeye Area (RE) sq. in.
12th-rib Fat Thickness (Fat) in.
Birth Year
Animal Name

American Angus Association

Angus Australia

Canadian Angus

To learn more about The World Angus Evaluation check out these resources, A Deeper Look Into the World Angus Evaluation, by Kelli Retallick-Riley, Angus Genetics Inc. President, and Esther Tarpoff, Director of Performance Programs.

Expanding Genetic Predictions Beyond U.S. and Canadian Borders, by Kelli Retallick-Riley, Angus Genetics Inc. President.