This feature of the association web site allows active regular, life and junior members to create a password-protected profile, log in and view their registered herd inventory, AI certificate inventory, EPD data, cow production records, submit registrations and performance data, and much more.

For quick access go to

This service is free and available 24 hours a day to active regular, life and junior members of the American Angus Association. Data is updated daily. The information you view on the web site is always from the previous business day. You can see what the ‘as of’ date is because it is displayed on all search results pages.

For example: If the Association receives registration data from you on Monday and the registration information has no errors, the newly registered animals can be viewed on the web site on Tuesday anytime after 8 a.m.

You can always click on the Menu link at the top to get back to the page that lists all of the options you have available. Help is always just an e-mail away.

Note: Once you are logged in, your session is automatically set for two hours. To ensure no one else will have access to your information click on the LOG OUT link at the top of the page before closing your browser or leaving the Login area.

Below are instructions and screen shots with examples of some of the American Angus Association Login area. Click the category to go directly to an area of interest.

On the right is the login page for a customer to enter their customer code and password. New users will need to click on the link "Sign Me Up" and fill in the form which is shown below.
Login page for customers.
First time user form to create profile.
The form cells that have a blue image are required fields and need your customer information entered. After filling the form out click on the CREATE button and your data will be sent to our office. Once the profile information is verified you will receive your password for login via e-mail within one business day.

If you have more than one customer code in your family you will have to create a profile for each one.
Once your new customer profile is completed and you have logged in, there are several links available to view your various animal and personal records.
Customer options.